Tuesday, July 18


We( inlcudes you, me and everyone else who use internet as a means of communication), are the biggest fools, cowards if this stupid order is carried out...

van Kalip Times
Lessons Learnt from the Ban on Blogger

for more gory details

Monday, July 17

F!!*k YAHOO!!!

No one in their sane minds should ever use yahoo for search again. Beacuse its so goddamn stupid. About 10 minuts back, I searched in yahoo the words "some arbit thoughts" (thts the name of yours trulys site"), just to know what ranking it had in the search list. Being the excessively optimistic guy that I usually am , I expected it to come in the first page itself. Quite predictacly it didnt.....

So I moved on to the second page, this time completely SURE that its there. Again!.... it was nowhere to be found. Instead there were links to another 20 stupid sites. Frantically I moved on to the 3rd page , expecting the golden link to pop in out of heaven( or hell, entirely dependant on your point of view). Flabbergasted would be an euphemism.. I scanned the key words which I searched for any typo, spelling error,unwanted or missing punctuations or anything(ANYTHING) which might give me a satisfying explanation.. the harsh reality sinking in i kept goin......

4th page......
5th page......

and so on upto the TWENTIETH PAGE... thts f!!3ck!nG 400 links... FOUR HUNDRED BLOODY ********* LINKS!....


all my egos shattered, humbled down, I decided to give google a try...
the same key words go in...

and guess what ??

"I AM **f!!3ck!nG ** LUCKY"..!!! (pun intended)
hahahhahaaaa,,, the very first link was mine... !!
BALLS TO YAHOO>..... GOOGLE IS MY ALMA MATER... my gaurdian ...
a new era has begun... loyalties that were hard strained has become crystal clear.. .. the path of the righteous man has been laid out... the beginning of yahoo's end has begun!

Important Update::: Today (i.e 18th July) on a repeated search I have found my site listed as the third in the first page in yahoo. I am completely sure that I didn miss it last time.

"Each to his own are the intrepretations made"

Wednesday, July 5


The french are blessed!!!.. Its the only freaking explanation other than claims of sorcery, dark magic, use of extra terrestrial intelligence AND match fixing............